Data shows that in 2018, young adults aged 18 to 34 accounted for more than half of all DUI arrests – 52.9%, to be exact. With the ever-increasing number of new drivers on the roads, it is essential to know how to keep your family safe. Here are 10 reasons why teenagers need driving restrictions.
1. Teenagers Are More Likely to Speed Up
According to research published in Injury Prevention, teens who drive with friends are more likely to speed up than when they drive alone. Further research suggests that peer influence is a stronger motivator than parental influence for families who choose to allow their teens to drive. Imposing driving restrictions will help your teenager stick to traffic laws.
2. Teenagers Underestimate Hazardous Situations
They’re most likely to speed, tailgate, and not use their turn signals. Because of these habits, teenage drivers are responsible for many fatalities every year. Many states have implemented laws requiring new drivers to follow strict driving restrictions before obtaining a full license.
3. Teens May Engage in Risky Behavior While Driving
Teens are more likely to engage in risky behavior while driving. According to a recent CDC report, one out of five high school students have texted or emailed while driving in 30 days, and 20% of teen car crash deaths involved cell phone use (2009). Taking away your teenagers’ keys prevents dangerous behaviors.
4. Teens Can Lack Good Judgment
Teens are prone to accidents because they lack impulse control and don’t think before acting. They lack good judgment, especially when it comes to their driving. Before legally driving, you need to make decisions that could affect your family and loved ones; otherwise, you shouldn’t get behind the wheel.
5. They Can Drive Under the Influence of Drugs
Research has shown that caffeine and energy drinks, which are often marketed to teens, can increase the risk of teen drivers. These caffeinated products have been linked to sleep deprivation, anxiety, and inattention, impairing driving skills. A 2012 study found that drivers who consumed caffeine were twice as likely to be involved in an accident.
6. Teens Are Easily Distracted
The statistics show that teen drivers are much more likely to get into an accident when distracted. As someone with a learner’s permit, you can only drive when a licensed driver is in the vehicle with you. You must also follow a particular set of rules to avoid distractions while driving.
7. It Is Not Safe to Drive at Night
The hours between 8 pm and 6 am are considered high-risk for car accidents. Teens are four times more likely to be involved in an accident than adults. Because of their age and inexperience, teenagers should not be driving when little light is present on the road.
8. Teens Rarely Buckle Up
It’s hard to believe, but teens are at least as likely not to wear their seat belts as older adults. According to a report released by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 60% of young drivers do not always buckle up.
9. Curfew Laws Allow Parents to Have Some Control Over This Situation
Curfew laws allow parents to have some control over teenage driving after a specific time of night. This can prevent unnecessary accidents and shorten teen drivers’ learning curve. Most states have curfew laws that limit teens from driving after dark.
10. It Teaches Teenagers Responsibility
When teenagers are restricted from driving, they spend more time engaged in family activities. They learn responsibility by helping around their parents’ house. With a parent always nearby, teens can ask questions when they have them and figure out real-world situations when they have them.
About four people are killed in car accidents every hour. Don’t let your teen driver join this statistic. Hopefully, this article will help you understand why teenagers need driving restrictions!
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