The world we live in is moving at mach one. We’re constantly looking to do things faster, more efficient, better. While most of these things are, in my opinion, a good thing, I forget all too often to just live in the moment. I’m always looking forward at point B, not fully experiencing point A.
These past few weeks in particular, my little girl has been super needy. When I’m around she wants mommy. Wants to be held. Wants her blankie. Wants her ”babies” (stuffed animals). Wants attention.
While she has been a bit overly needy because she hasn’t been feeling 100% and is cutting some nasty teeth, I still need to be there for her and I admit, it’s been hard. My phone is constantly going off with both professional and personal notifications. The laundry needs to get done. I need to get groceries. The list of distractions goes on…
This past week in particular, I’ve felt more run down than I have in a long time. My husband injured his leg a week ago and is pretty much totally out of commission. I’ve been working super hard at work because we’re down two employees for different medical related reasons and finally this weekend my immune system took over. I haven’t felt this terrible since before my pregnancy. I officially have no voice, my entire body aches and I’m more than tired.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because I was kicked in the butt this weekend and forced to slow down. The laundry would have to wait. My eyes are too blurry to look at my phone. I can’t get groceries while kid is napping because I needed to nap myself. I didn’t get anything done and we’re still all alive. Everything can wait. For once in a long time I paused. I sat on the couch with my daughter, a cup of tea and 3725 stuffed animals, snuggled under a blankie while my daughter, not even two, reached over and grabbed my hand.
We sat there for a while watching Saturday afternoon cartoons and held hands. She needed me. I needed her and we both needed to just relax together. It was only a brief moment but she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight, looking at me as if almost to say ”thanks mom, I need you more than laundry/phone/groceries”.
I full heartily believe we as parents can raise better children if we are more engaged in their world. I admit that I’m constantly trying to make her needs work among my own needs and my busy world. There may be 23 other things I need to get done on my day off but none are more important than me showing my daughter she is the most important thing to me and if she wants to sit with me and watch a cartoon or color with her I’ll do it, distraction free.
Life can wait, cherishing moments cannot.
When’s the last time you slowed down?
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.
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