Back to school photos are the one thing every parent looks forward to. Scroll through Instagram or Facebook, and you will see tons of photos. It is a great way to document your child’s growth throughout the years. Getting a good shot on the first day is a given, but I want to talk to you about some new ideas.
Know Your Child
Kids can be weird about photos. Many elementary kids will let it happen. Older kids might hold back, even if they use to take the pictures. Sometimes you think you have this great idea and the child isn’t a fan. Take your child’s feelings into consideration. If they aren’t into it, don’t force them. Nothing worse than a grumpy face and rough start to the first day of school.
Use A Chalkboard
Chalkboards are helpful for the fidgety kid and to track progress. You can buy them for the first day or make one yourself. If you choose to make one yourself, decide on what information you put on it. I don’t recommend putting your child’s full name on it. I also don’t recommend you put school or teacher info on it. Even though many schools have policies about your child’s safety, it’s still scary. If you are posting these pictures online, it is extra important. The internet is like a gigantic billboard. If you wouldn’t put it there, don’t put it online.
Create A Banner
If you have a child that loves to pose for pictures, this is a great one for you. Create a banner that they can hold with their grade level. Let your child play around with different poses. How you create the banner is all up to you. I saw one that had individual slips of colored paper with letters on it. They arranged them on a string to spell out “Second Grade”. This one may not work with middle or high school students.
Use A Letterboard
A felt letterboard is your best friend. You won’t have to worry about people reading your handwriting. Or that handwriting showing up in a picture. You can also avoid anything crafty, if that is not your style. Sometimes you need something a little simple. This is not a competition with other parents, this is doing what you want for memories.
Graduation Tee Shirts
Although little Sally is entering Kindergarten, a nod to her graduation year is fun. My suggestion is to buy a large (or even extra-large) adult tee shirt. You can use transfers to create the year in whatever style you like. Or you can buy online. Every first day of school, the child wears that oversized tee-shirt. It is a great way to look back and see how much your little one has changed. It also reinforces school positivity to a child and keeps them in school.
What unique ideas have you used? We would love to hear about more ideas so that everyone can come up with something that fits.
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