Obviously, this is a highly subjective question. However, we need to realize the fact that there are many factors of importance that we simply have to take into account. There are various interesting options that are available and that we tend to dismiss in life when it comes to the career because of the fact we want a baby. The exact opposite also applies.
Take a look at the stats that are included in the infographic presented. You will quickly see that there are some things that you did not know anything about. The infographic may help you to make that final decision you have been postponing for a long time as you were confused: baby or career?
Gumtree infographic baby versus career is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree
My current boss asked how I could do my job because I have a child. My male co-worker (also with a kid) was never asked nor has my husband ever been asked. Knowing what you are getting into is important, as much as fiscal prep, IMO.