I feel like I have been AWOL from my own web site lately! Things have been just a bit insane and I have had no time to post. My day job has grown increasingly busier and I am only half way through my massive list of to-do’s on my house. Thankfully I have some great writers that have picked up the slack.
I should probably catch you up since I haven’t really blogged about this all that much. My wife grew up right next to her families farm on a beautiful piece of property. The house that is on that property is only “okay” but it’s built well and the property more than makes up for what might currently be lacking there. We have been rather unhappy with our current house and neighborhood for awhile now but with our financial situation being what it was/is, we haven’t been able to afford to do anything about it.
Our 5 year plan
Three and half years ago, we came up with a 5 year plan to get out of debt and buy the family house my wife grew up in. We have been working very hard, cutting every corner and putting every extra penny we could to get out of debt. We didn’t get in debt because we were trying to keep up with friends and neighbors, we got in debt trying to survive while one of my previous businesses failed around us. It’s been hard on all of us, especially my wife, but it made us stronger than we ever thought we could be and we attacked it as a team.
The results so far? We are ahead of the curve on our goal and our credit has bounced back much sooner than expected. My credit is almost back to the best it’s ever been and my wife’s is closely behind. We are finally in a position where we can afford to explore the idea of selling our current house and buy that dream house. It’s noting fantastic, it’s a 1500 square foot ranch house but as previously mentioned, the property is amazing and the house has a ton of potential. Our plan is to sell our current house, buy this house and spend the next 20 years turning it into the house we know it can be.
The first step
The first step towards achieving that goal is to get our house ready to sell. As everyone knows, the market is not very good right so we want to give ourselves the best opportunity to sell this house at a good price by making it the best it can be. It’s kind of sad to say but the house looks better today than it ever looked before and we are only half way through our list of things to do before listing it. It’s kind of sad that we were finally motivated to really make this house shine only so we can sell it but I guess that is just how it goes.
So that is what I have been up to. It’s going to be crazy for us for the next couple of months but I am very hopeful that it will payoff. I know my two boys will LOVE growing up in the country with all that farm and family around us.
What have you been up to lately?
I see this all the time, the construction worker who doesn’t have the time to work on his own house or the mechanic who has many broken cars sitting on his property. Now that you have a new house in sight it gave you the motivation to get it done. Good Luck.