Money is hard to come by these days. But why sacrifice the things you need? Saving money is definitely an art that few people have mastered. You might have a budget or monthly spending plan to keep your finances on track. However, if you want to take your savings to the next level and beef up your bank account, learn how to make the most out of coupons.
Coupons are a godsend for financially strapped families. Whether you need to save on groceries, clothes, home decor or entertainment, there is a coupon to meet your needs.
1. Never shop online without a promo code. Promo codes are an excellent way to receive free shipping and discounts on online orders. Simply go online, search promotions offered by different retailers and shop according to the savings. NerdWallet coupons feature savings for practically every shopping category from health to school supplies.
2. Check online before buying in the store. Shopping locally is one way to obtain products quickly. But if your local online retailers do not have coupons and promotions, you can spend more than necessary for an item. For generic or everyday items, such as home decor, crafts and clothes, the Internet is your best bet. Let’s say you need party supplies or craft items. Rather than head to your local party store, check coupon codes for Oriental Trading and save on your purchase. You may find a coupon code to discount your purchase, letting you buy more for your money.
3. Use multiple coupons. For items that you use regularly, don’t be afraid to use multiple coupons and stockpile your food supply. For example, if you have six $1 off coupons for yogurt, go ahead and purchase six. And if you wait until the item is on sale, you’ll maximize your savings and keep more cash in your pocket.
4. Combine coupons with store sales. Watch for grocery store sales and plan your shopping trips accordingly. Call the grocery store and inquire about double coupon days, or check the Sunday’s paper for sale information. Combining a coupon with a buy-one-get-one free offer, or another discount can significantly reduce your grocery bill.
5. Combine store and manufacturer coupons. Did you know that you can use more than one coupon for a single item? Several grocery stores allow both manufacturer and store coupons. And if you know how to play the game, you can actually get cash back. Let’s say you purchase a jar of pasta for $2.50. If you have a store coupon for $1.50 off and a manufacturer coupon for $1.50 off, the grocery store will refund you $0.50.
Couponing can be a bit intimidating and time consuming. But it doesn’t take long to grasp the routine. Learn how coupons can save your family money and you’ll free up cash for more important things, such as a stronger emergency cushion or perhaps a family vacation. Get the newspaper, head online and check your mailbox. Don’t let free money pass you by.
I usually do that. I wait for a sale and then use a coupon code or printable coupons for double savings. Awesome tips.