I have a love hate relationship with the summer and eating for both me and my family.
Though I love the abundance of fresh fruit that is seasonally available, I also know there will be many more temptations. More BBQ’s to attend, more road trips (which for us means more snacks), more late nights and fire pits filled with s’mores. For me and my family, it can be tough to control it all and balance the good and bad. Here are a few ways I attempt to control more of the good and less of the bad.
Bring a Healthy Option
If we’re headed to a BBq or potluck I can’t assume there will be a healthy option and for that reason I try to be one to provide it. Sometimes it’s a simple fruit or veggie tray, other times it might be a healthy salad of sorts. This way I know we will have a healthy option to fill up on before indulging in some of the less healthy options and desserts.
Just Don’t Buy It!
There is something I simply cannot have in my house. It’s something that I really only buy in the summer and something I know for a fact that both my daughter and I will totally pig out on given an opportunity. Those would be marshmallows. If they’re in the house- a key s’more ingredient- I will eat them all, as will my three year old. For this reason it’s something I don’t buy to have ‘’on hand’’ for the off chance we might make s’mores. In fact if we do have a fire and plan on it I will usually as someone else to pick them up. Not having them around means no temptations.
Capitalize on Seasonal Goodness
I love fruit, as does everyone in my family. Right now is strawberry season here so not only are we eating a ton of them we’re buying more than we can consume for the future. I’ll buy, wash and freeze berries year round when they’re on sale so we can use them for future smoothies or to cook with. It always ends up being much cheaper than buying pre-packaged smoothie mixes and tastier too!
Plan Better
The summer is definitely more chaotic for us. Soccer practice, irregular work schedules, vacations. All of these things throw my schedule off and when that happens we aren’t always the best planners. We eat out more- especially when road tripping. With an upcoming trip I have vowed to avoid the gas station junk, as well booked accommodations with a kitchen. Though the kitchen can sometimes be an added expense what we save on eating out every meal, will more than make up for it.
Summer is always a treat for us. We certainly indulge in things in the summer that we don’t any other time of year and that’s fine, as long as it’s balanced. Nothing worse than spending your summer indulging to find your fall jeans don’t fit…
How do you balance summertime treats with healthier options?
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.
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