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If you have had kids, and you are not part of that blessed percentage that just watches as fat melts away naturally after giving birth, then chances are you will still be saddled by some form of baby weight. At least I am, after two kids delivered by caesarian section, still struggling with extra weight. And so are a number of my mommy friends.
This is a really frustrating thing for me because I was quite fit all throughout my twenties, after shedding the baby fat of those teen years. I also come from a family that has a tendency to expand after having children so I always told myself that I would be careful and be diligent about my weight and the way that I look after having kids.
But because of a number of reasons- separation, two kids in close succession, full time work and now with added part-time jobs on the side- the weight and waistline just expanded beyond my control. Add to that that I quit smoking (yahoo!) at the beginning of this year. During the last quarter of last year I made a commitment to get back to being fit. I signed up at a gym and researched on many different diets. It is a struggle I am still wrestling with today.
Here are some things I have come to realize on the weight loss quest:
Commitment is required for weight loss
It is all about commitment first. You have to really want to lose weight because it is this desire that will keep you focused on the goal and will keep your resistance to those ‘bad things’ strong.
Diet and exercise are necessary
Since I do not have the money or stomach to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery, I am resorting to the tried and tested diet and exercise formula. Doing research also has shown that there is no magic product to help with weight loss. You really just have to sweat it out. I figured, hey, it took some effort to pack on the pounds. I need to now exert the required effort to take these off.
You cannot crash diet or force exercise
It really has to be about finding that diet that works for your body, is still healthy and will not have you depriving yourself of the vitamins and minerals you need on a daily basis, and it has to be something you are willing to stick to for life. If you look at some people who went on certain diets then lose weight, then went off the diets and ballooned, you will realize that it is about changing eating habits as a whole. Look at Jennifer Aniston for example. She is looking great and she has been on her diet for a looong time. I really believe it is about changing for good. With exercise, it is about finding the kind of physical activity that appeals to you. My close friend swears by the meditative and weight loss effect of yoga, another says Pilates is the way to go, another boxes it out three to four time a week. I have found that, as long as you are not doing steroids or taking drugs, physical activity of any kind that gets you moving daily will do.
So, I am now in the process of revamping my diet and exercise plan. I will post again about my new approach as I have had more than 6 months now to try different things out.
What are some of your suggestions for a good, healthy, sustainable diet and exercise program?
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.
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