Christmas is, without a doubt, my favorite time of year. More than anything I like the traditions that come with the days leading up to Christmas because for me, it means spending quality time with those who I love the most. If you’re looking to start your own family traditions, consider one of these new traditions instead!
Old Tradition: Cookie Baking
New Tradition: Cookie and Beer Exchange
I have spent many years baking cookies and treats with my sister only to feel sick about the sheer volume of sugar flowing through my veins. We’d spend an entire day baking and divvy up our treats among our friends and family. If you’re looking for a new tradition consider a cookie and beer exchange.
Instead of baking a ton of different treats, pick your favorite cookie recipe and bake that. To accompany the cookies, pick your favorite beer, invite your friends (plus spouses) to come over where you will host an exchange. You will do up a treat bag of cookies plus one beer for every guest party attending, they will do the same and everyone will swap. You go home with bags and bags of cookies as well as many new beers to try. For best ‘’swap results’’, maintain something like a Google doc to ensure there aren’t multiples.
Old Tradition: Christmas Turkey Dinner
New Tradition: Christmas Brunch (with a light dinner).
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good turkey dinner but there’s something about staying in the kitchen all day Christmas preparing a large family meal that is depressing on Christmas day. I much prefer the idea of doing Christmas morning and then all sitting down for a large brunch instead which leaves the rest of the day to relax and be together. After a larger brunch enjoy an easy, light dinner of finger foods. Most of which can be prepared the days before.
Old Tradition: Store Bought Christmas Cards
New Tradition: Make a personalized Card
I love receiving Christmas cards. I especially love personal cards. Sending personal cards seems to be a lost art though, not that I don’t appreciate a store bought card signed with family members, I love getting personal card with photos or even just personal notes. If you look for sales early enough you can often get deals for personalized photo cards at various online outlets for quite inexpensive. I had 40 personalized cards made for less than $10.00 and they were beautiful.
Though Christmas is about traditions for many, it doesn’t mean that old traditions can’t be modernized. Instead of cramming everything into Christmas day, our family really spreads the celebrations out over three full days. This allows us to be together and really savour everything as family.
Does your family have any modern traditions??
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.