Did you make any resolutions for 2011? Are you worried that you won’t be able to follow through? It is said that more than half of the people that make resolutions, give them up after just a couple of weeks! So what’s the point of even making resolutions?
Well, the point is that setting goals for ourselves is the best way to reach our objective or to change a negative behavior. Without some sort of plan – followed by action – your desire is really just a wish, not a goal.
Deciding to make a resolution is a great first step to attaining what you desire. Whether your start date is January 1st or June 14th – it doesn’t really matter but there are a few other things you should to do to ensure your success!
Start Small & Keep it Realistic
If the goal you have set for yourself involves many different steps finally to achieving it; you really need to set up mini goals first. Depending on what it is, you may want to start with daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, five year, and ten year goals.
For example, if you goal is to start your own business, and you want to be making $500,000 a year — that could be really tough to reach your first year out. However, if you break it down by what you think you want to make monthly, then increase that as you attain each level, you will feel more accomplished and confident; which can help propel you to your ultimate goal.
Write it Down
People who write out what they would like to achieve – and include a timeline – have a much better chance at reaching their goals.
When you write out what you want, you think things out a little more thoroughly. You can develop a plan of action, keep track of your progress and see what you still need to do to reach the next level.
If you keep track of what you are doing but are still falling short; sometimes going over your notes will alert you to something you may be missing. Keeping a journal is also an excellent way to record your progress.
Be Positive
Don’t say; “I really hope I can quit smoking this year.” Instead you’ll want to say; “This is the year I will become a non-smoker.”
As you continue through each day of not smoking, refer to yourself as a non-smoker because that’s what you are. Think it and be it!
I tried to quit smoking unsuccessfully many times but when I finally realized – that for me – it was mind over matter and I really wanted to be smoke free — I was able to do it. That was nearly 10 years ago!
Use Affirmations
I know for some people using affirmations may seem silly or uncomfortable. You might be picturing SNL’s Stuart Smalley as he looks in the mirror and says; “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!” I get it – believe me – I really get how weird it can feel, but you know what? It works; so give it a try why don’t you! You’ve got nothing to lose.
Enlist Help
Ask people for help. If you are trying to eat healthier be sure you let your friends and family know. If they can make good eating choices while they are around you; that can make a huge difference in your success. If you are giving up soda, maybe the other people you live with can help you out with your goal.
Haven’t set a resolution yet — but want to? Here are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions that people make, just to give you a few ideas:
- Lose Weight/Get Fit
- Quit Smoking/Drink Less
- Reduce Debt/Save Money
- Get Organized/Manage Time Better
- Enjoy Life More/ Try New Things
- Help Others/Go Green
Whatever your goals or resolutions are for 2011; I wish you all the best and much success!
What methods have you used to accomplish your resolutions in the past?