I’m way late to this party but apparently there is a growing trend in North America. Banning sledding, or tobogganing, in some public parks. The argument being that there are too many sledding related injuries in children and teens related to sledding. Also, lawsuits are a rising issue, so there’s that. Lawsuits for willingly putting yourself into an object that uncontrollably flies down an icy hill…
Picture this: Six year old girl excited to try out friend’s new super-fast sled he got for Christmas. Girl jumps on sled, flies down the hill, doesn’t know how to stop, bursts right through picket fence at end of hill, stopped only by house in path of sled. Broken fence. Broken sled. Broken collar bone, snapped clear in two pieces.
I Love Sledding
I was in grade one and aside from the whole broken collar bone thing have never had so much fun in my life. There was no threat of lawsuit, there may have been a stern talking to from my mom about doing something I was not prepared for, but guess what, huge life lessons were learned that day.
I loved sledding. I still do as an adult and can’t wait to take my daughter now that she’s a bit older. Growing up in any country that experiences winter, sledding one of the ways we make winter enjoyable. I enjoy living in a country that experiences four distinct seasons. Winter can be harsh but there is a lot to enjoy about it as well. If you’ve ever experienced a perfect winter day there is no shortage of fun outdoor activities, sledding being at the top of most people’s list.
Why should it be taken away?
People sled on their own free will. They want to have fun and the thrill, risk and adrenaline associated with it is why we have been seeking to do this for thousands of years. I can’t imagine growing up in a city with a massive hill screaming to be sled down after a perfect snowfall and be told I couldn’t because I might hurt myself? Of course I might! It sounds stupid but its part of the fun.
I feel like we live in such a weird era with how we bring up our children. There are SO many people trying to influence us. Gone are the days when you had only your mom and grandparents to turn to, now with the internet being what it is, it only takes one overreaction to turn into an all-out ban on sledding. Ridiculous.
This is a perfect example of how we’re way too protective of our children. Let kids be kids. Let adults who want to act like kids do so. Sledding is a rite of passage when we’re forced to live in an environment that experiences winter. Will there be injuries, yup! Will property get damaged, probably. But at the end of the day memories will be made and 25 years later you’ll be telling the story about the epic sledding crash you had in the first grade. As a Canadian who has endured many winters I wear the scar associated with my sledding accident with pride.
Do you think banning sledding in some major cities (public parks, school yards etc.) is a good idea?
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.