Keeping healthy is so important to our well-being and our wallets. With some of us working non-stop from morning until night and the ease of convenience foods, we can find that our healthy habits take a backseat to all our other engagements. Unfortunately, we need to learn to put our health first and we live in a society that expects us to give our all, all the time. If you are like me, it just helps to be reminded throughout the day to make sure I am doing something towards my health. I want to share with you my favorite health apps that shoot me a reminder to take care of me. Hopefully, you will find one in this list that can be helpful for you as well.
Drink Water Reminder
One of the easiest health changes we can make to our daily routine is to simply drink more water. Drink Water Reminder is a free app that sends you hourly reminders to drink some water. At setup, you enter your height and weight and the app calculates how much water you need to drink for weight loss. You can change it just for maintenance if you’d like. I stuck with the weight loss estimation even though my focus is just making sure I am hydrated. I was told to drink 91 oz a day. I tried and it took me awhile! I love Coke and it’s hard to cut out caffeine. However, after 2 weeks I started to regularly meet the goal and drink 100 oz of water per day. Physically, I feel wonderful. I feel more energized, I can tolerate the heat better, and I don’t struggle with dry mouth as much anymore. I take medications that cause dry mouth but it’s not as strong anymore. Because the goal was 91 oz, I found that I didn’t have any time in the day to drink Coke and I have been free of soda for the last 10 days. I probably won’t be drinking a soda anytime soon!
Mango Health App
Do you have prescriptions to take throughout the day? A lot of us do and a lot of us also forget. It’s easy to forget when you are running around all day long. Mango Health App is a fantastic app that allows you to enter your medicines and dosages with a corresponding time so that you can be sure you stay on track with medications. Don’t worry, you can also include vitamins and supplements you need to take! The app will not only alert you so that you remember to take the meds, it provides all the information about your meds that you get with the prescription and promptly throw away. It also will alert you of any interactions between your meds and your vitamins or supplements. Although I found that after a while, I was completely programmed into taking my meds without forgetting, it’s still such a useful tool for information that I wouldn’t remove it from the phone.
My Fitness Pal App
One of the easiest ways for us to sabotage our health is to not pay attention to what we put into our mouths and ignoring workouts. My Fitness Pal offers a range of tools that you can pick and choose from (or use every single one!). If you go out for lunch with your office mates, you can enter the food you eat and see how it affects your daily caloric intake. Trust me, after a day or so, you will rethink what it is you are eating when you see what your body is dealing with. If you get in a workout at the gym before work, you can also enter that into the app and see how you are faring with your commitment to working out. You can also track your weight loss. Me personally, I really love the food tracker because it’s easy for me to lose sight of how the food I ingest is affecting my body.
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