We love going away with our daughter. In the four years since she’s been born we haven’t been apart for more than a quick overnight. We’ve always found ways to have her be a part of what we’re doing and had fun with it. In a few weeks though we will be taking our first adults only trip and leaving her for an extended period of time with a babysitter (in this case her aunt) while we’re out of the country. For the first time, we need to be much more prepared when we leave her.
Important Medical Information
Since we’ll be out of the country, and a six hour minimum flight away, should there be a medical emergency our babysitter will need access to her health information. Before we leave we will make sure our babysitter has a copy of our daughters provincial health card, medical insurance card should something happen that would require a prescription and our family doctor contact information. I hope none of this information will be needed but if an emergency arises having this information readily available will be one less stress for her.
Meal Ideas
Though our daughter is four, and can talk quite easily, I like to leave a list of meal ideas for the sitter to make her life easier. If my daughter had it her way she’d eat crackers and cheese with hummus for every meal. Also a few things she may request are made up words she uses to describe actual food. While I know what ‘’bunny pasta’’ is, the babysitter will likely have no idea!
A Schedule
We’ve never left her for long enough that someone would need to know how we like to manage her day. From wakeup times, to naps to bedtime. The sitter will need an idea of what to expect, and when. When parents aren’t around kids can easily manipulate their own schedule if left alone and keeping a kid, especially young ones, on a schedule will make everyone’s life much easier.
Special Instructions
Over the weekend that we’re away, our babysitter will need to take our daughter to her dance class. We’ll need to make sure she has all the info necessary to make sure she gets there on time and details like where her dance outfit is. I also need to let the school know someone other than her parents will be there with her.
Emergency Contact Information
Because we’ll be out of town I want to make sure our babysitter has a few local contacts in case of emergency or even if she just needs help with something. We’ll also want to leave the contact information of us, where we’ll be staying, as well as our flight information so she has an idea of when and where we’ll be.
Most importantly before we leave town we’ll need to make sure our babysitter has a Skype account so we have a little facetime with kiddo while we travel!
As much fun as we have when our daughter is around, a little adult-only time is necessary and this trip doesn’t have child-friendly events anyway (many late night events). As much as I dislike leaving her, I know she’ll have a super fun time with her aunt and probably not even notice that we’re gone!
What tips do you have when planning an out-of-town trip without kids?
Catherine is a first time momma to a rambunctious toddler. When she isn’t soaking up all that motherhood has to offer, you can find her blogging over at Plunged in Debt where she chronicles her and her husbands journey out of debt. You can also follow her on Twitter.
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