(via Pixabay)
For some people it’s the fresh start of a new year. For others it’s springtime renewal. For me, fall is the time of year when I feel like cleaning, organizing, and making big changes in my life. I got engaged in the fall, married in the fall, officially started my professional writing career in the fall — anyway, the point I am trying to make is that fall is my favorite time of year!!! Maybe it’s the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet, the crisp, cool smell in the air that perks me up every morning, maybe it’s the delicious taste of soup that’s been cooking all day in the crock-pot, or the fiery colors of the changing leaves — everything about autumn is beautiful, comforting, warm and inviting to me. So even though it sounds like I just want to wrap up in a big fuzzy blanket, sit by the fire, watch football, and eat a big bowl of chili with cheese and onions on top – which I so totally do – it has also prompted me to start thinking about exercise. Odd you say? Probably, but everyone has their own sense of timing and we are each motivated by different things.
I know that the cooler months are when most people increase the amount of comfort (often fattening) food they eat. These are heavier, heavenly meals that warm our tummies and leave us feeling like we want to hibernate. Right now, I’m thinking about that too! However, even though I eat healthy most of the time, I will admit that I do not get the exercise I need. I know I really need to change that — I just have to find the time and motivation to get moving. When I first start out with a new exercise goal I do pretty well for a few weeks but for some reason I cannot stay on track. Soon I start feeling too busy with work, household chores and the other daily tasks I face as a work-at-home mom — BUT the reality is everyone is busy and anyone can find excuses to hold themselves back from attaining goals, which BTW I’m excellent at doing!
Why I don’t run
I would really like to take up running but there is a big problem — I despise it. I don’t like being out of breath, sweating, or getting side aches. I don’t want to run in the morning because according to the news it always seems like dead bodies are always “…discovered by an early morning jogger.” — well, joggers and fishermen actually. I also don’t want to run at night because I don’t want to be found by another jogger in the morning. Yeah, I should probably lay off the Dateline and 48 Hours Mysteries for awhile. See what I mean though — I’ve got all kinds of silly excuses so why bother right?
According to MayoClinic.org regular exercise helps relieve stress, improves your mood, boosts energy, controls weight and a bunch of other great things. It’s also important to get at least 30 minutes of rigorous exercise a day to stay healthy and to prevent certain diseases. If living longer isn’t a good enough reason, I don’t know what is.
Why I want to run
But when there are so many other exercise alternatives, why do I want to take up running — something I have already stated I do not like doing? Well the answer is simple, I really want to like it! I really do. I am in love with the idea of being a runner. I’m not talking about running in a gym on a treadmill (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Instead, I envision myself running outside and feeling very free and incredibly alive!
Another reason is that my dog would LOVE it! There is a saying; “If your dog is overweight, you aren’t getting enough exercise.” This is true in our case. While my dog isn’t obese or anything — she (and I) could stand to lose a few pounds and also tone up our girlish figures. She’s 6 years old and I want her to be around for a long time because I simply adore her!
So what I am planning to do is to come up with a game plan. By October 1stI want to be running/jogging/speed-walking/or regular walking a couple of times a week. The other days I’ll do yoga, my Wii Fit or some other type of exercise. I’m going to devise a time table to fit this into my daily routine and make it work.
I really hope there are folks out there who might be able to give me some tips. I know that my role here is to provide tips to you but I am always open to suggestions from people in the know. So let’s hear it — how do you stay motivated? How do you juggle, work, kids, household chores, volunteer work, and still have time to exercise? Do you love to exercise or do you just get in, do it and get it over with?
I’ll be updating you on my progress in a few weeks.
Do you run? How did you find the motivation to start?
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